Let's Talk
1499 Bannock HWY
Pocatello ID 83201
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Contact Hours
Let's set up an in-person time to meet, tour the venue, and answer any questions! We off them every Tuesday. Message us for a tour.
Can I cancel or switch my date?
Are the courtyard and gardens included in the price?
How long do I have access to the venue for my event?
Yes! You have up until 4 months before your event to cancel or switch your date. For a full event cancellation, you will be refunded your security deposit, minus a $200 service fee.
Yes! The facility is yours to use during your event hours. That includes the bridal and groom suites, the warming kitchen and the sitting room as well.
You will have full day access. The event must be ended by 11:00 PM, and all clean-up must conclude by 11:30PM.
Is alcohol allowed?
Is clean up included?
Yes. Alcohol that is served free to your guests and does not require a liquor license is allowed. Any alcohol sales must be in compliance with all laws and sold by a licensed vendor. Events with alcohol will be charged a $300 alcohol fee.
Clients and guests are expected to leave the facility neat and orderly as it was when they arrived. This will ensure the return of the entire $200 cleaning deposit paid in advance of the event. Deep cleaning will be provided as part of venue rental.
What is required to book my event?
To book your event, a 20% booking deposit is required or a minimum of $200 whichever is larger. This will go toward your total invoice.